ION+ Machine ION + 百分百氧份注氧儀




ION+ Machine ION + 注氧儀 皮膚需要滋補和血清壓縮注入器是一種方便,複雜的設備,旨在通過刺激水通道蛋白和增加皮膚水合作用來軟化,水合和活化皮膚。當與Skin Need的含氧產品結合使用時,該系統是首批在方便攜帶的裝置中提供氧氣輸送治療的皮膚護理設備。該設備的加壓和壓縮效果可立即增加護膚產品的營養密度並將其推入皮膚深層,從而優化各種護膚產品和治療效果,以促進細胞生長和嫩膚。 治療範圍: 暗沉,色素沉著,膚色不均 痤瘡,油膩的皮膚和毛孔粗大 皮膚皺紋,下垂和老化 皮膚乾燥,鱗片狀和片狀 皮膚敏感,有乾燥和發紅的跡象 激光和強脈衝光治療後的皮膚保養 影響: 1.無需使用刺激皮膚的成分或含有皮質醇的產品即可提供涼爽和鎮定的皮膚,使皮膚舒適 2.增加皮膚對產品營養的吸收,例如微量礦物質,保濕劑,維生素等 3.在皮膚中產生水位梯度差,並刺激嵌入細胞膜中的水通道蛋白,增加皮膚的水嫩度和光滑度 4.結合“ Skin Need – Your Private Formula”的含氧產品,可以增強各種效果,例如亮膚,毛孔細緻,緊緻和提拉效果。 HOME SOS SKIN SET  SKIN NEED 家用煥膚套裝連「氧+養」注滲儀 套裝 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 HOME SOS SKIN SET  SKIN NEED 家用煥膚套裝連「氧+養」注滲儀 套裝 Skin Need 家用煥膚套裝連「氧+養」注滲儀 套裝 套裝包括: ION+注滲儀 1台 SMM  注氧椰子水 480mle(贈品 $1680) Wash 1 15mle(贈品$288)              疫情期間,少了戶外活動的機會,美容院也沒有時間去❓ 🙈🙈皮膚差左點算好⁉️   我們呈獻你家居美容療程的機會!   療程功效: •溫和煥膚,去除老化角質 •保濕及抗敏 •改善面色暗啞及欠缺光澤問題 •平衡面部水油分泌 •處理毛孔閉塞,黑頭,粉刺問題   套裝包含: ION注滲儀: •將注入的SMM透過儀器轉化為霧化狀態,使用時,能同時為肌膚注入水份和氧份 •有效改善缺水、毛孔粗大、泛紅、暗啞等皮膚問題 •軟化角質,改善皮膚角質厚重的問題   SMM  注氧椰子水 -適合任何膚質使用,具爽膚、鎮靜、保濕及消炎之用 成分: 超低分子的透明質酸、金縷梅精華、綠茶精華     使用方法: Step 1.  1-3滴 Wash 1 + 1毫升蒸餾水混合稀釋 Step 2. 使用矽膠掃敷於全面 (避開眼部及唇部位置) ##敏感肌膚只需敷於T字位## Step 3. 如有剩餘的混合液,可塗於濕棉花上,敷上5分鐘後,用濕棉花徹底抹走。 Step 4. 將 SMM 倒入 Ion 注滲儀 的瓶子內,份量為半瓶至全瓶,將瓶子扭好 Step 5. 以打圈的方式,注入納米化注氧椰子水,讓底層迅間吸收及補充細胞所需的營養。 (Ion 注滲儀的槍身尾端可以任意調教水的霧化強度)   #注氧儀 #skinneed   The Skin Need Tonic & Serum Compressing Infuser is a convenient and sophisticated device designed to soften, hydrate, and revitalize skin by way of stimulating aquaporins and increasing skin hydration. When combined with oxygenated products of Skin Need, the system is among the first skin care devices to offer oxygen delivery treatments in a conveniently portable unit. The pressuring and compressing effect of the device instantly increases nutrient density of skin care products and propels them into deep layers of the skin, thereby optimizing results of various skin care products and treatments to promote cellular growth and skin rejuvenation. Area of Treatment: dull, pigment abd uneven skin tone acne, oil-prone skin and enlarge pores wrinkled, sagging, and ageing skin dry, scaly, and flaky skin sensitive skin with signs of dryness and redness skin maintenance after laser and intense pulsed light treatments Effect: 1. Cools and calms the skin without using skin-irritating ingredients or cortisol-containing products to deliver skin comfort 2. Increases absorption of product nutrients such as trace minerals, humectants, vitamins…etc by the skin 3. Creates gradient difference of water level in the skin and stimulates aquaporins embedded within cell membranes to increase skin suppleness and smoothness 4. Combined with oxygenated products of Skin Need – Your Private Formula, various effects such as skin brightening, pore refining, firming, and lifting effects can be enhanced

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