JFC Resveratrol Facial Box Set 白藜蘆醇美容套裝




🤫 年輕5歲的秘密 🤫 唔得閑去美容院,又怕肌膚變老 😨 又平又WORK 嘅家用療程,唔試就蝕底😉😉😉😉 【JFC Resveratrol Facial Box Set 】 ▪一套可以做5次療程 1. Soothing & Relaxing Cleansing Milk 舒緩減壓潔膚乳*30ml 2. Rejuvenating Moisturizing Toner 活力鎖水保濕露*30ml 3. Golden Platinum Powder 離子黃金粉*5 pack 4. Resveratrol Mask白藜蘆醇面膜 6ml*5 功效: #緊致 #更新皮膚細胞 #去角質 #年輕肌膚 #舒緩 #保濕 #收毛孔 用法: 1. 卸妝後,取一包No.3 與 No.1 混合後塗在面上, 全面向上打圈來回三次,用清水洗淨。 2. 用2號全面均勻噴上,輕拍至完全吸收。 3. 晚間潔面後, 取適量白藜蘆醇面膜均勻塗抹於面部, 適當按摩片刻後可安睡, 次日起床用溫水洗淨即可或者15分鐘後清洗。 【Resveratrol Mask白藜蘆醇面膜】 功效: 撫平和滋潤肌膚, 質地清新滋潤, 提高肌膚飽滿度, 亮澤度, 修護舒緩 使用說明: 清潔肌膚後, 將白藜蘆醇面膜塗抹於臉部, 輕按至吸收。 使用方法: 晚間潔面後, 取適量白藜蘆醇面膜均勻塗抹於面部, 適當按摩片刻後可安睡,次日起床用溫水洗淨即可或者15分鐘後清洗。 🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅 1. Soothing & Relaxing Cleansing Milk *30ml Ingredients: Aqua, Sodium Laroyl Glutamate, Glycerin, Cocoyl alanine Tea Salt, Butanediol,.C12-14 Olefin Mineral Sodium,.Ethylene Glycol Distearate, Coconut oil Amide Propyl Betaine 2. Rejuvenating Moisturizing Toner *30ml Ingredients: Aqua, Resurrection Grass Extract, Glycerin, Hydroxyethyl Pulse, Ceramide 6 II, Selaginella (SELAGINE LLATAMARISCINA)Extract, Carbomer, Jojoba Ester, Hyaluronic acid Sodium 3. Golden Platinum Powder *5 pack Ingredients: AQUA, Grape Stem Cell, Hyaluronic acid, Chitosan, Aloe Extract, Water Soluble Vitamin E, Water Soluble Jojoba Oil, Kaolinite, golden foil , Algae Extract 4. Resveratrol Mask 6ml*5 Ingredients: Resveratrol,Carbomer, Oligopeptide-1, Sodium Hyaluronate, Glycerol, Allantoin How to use: 1. After removing makeup, take a pack of No.3 and No.1 and mix it on the face. 2. Spray on the whole face with No. 2 and pat until it is completely absorbed. 3. After cleansing at night, take an appropriate amount of resveratrol mask and evenly apply it on the face. After a proper massage, you can sleep well. You can get up the next day and wash with warm water or wash after 15 minutes. 【Product of FRANCE 】

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