MOISTURIZING & CALMING MASK Sebum Controlling Super Herbs 18草本舒緩控油液態面膜 5mle x 10




**確認訂單後約14天發貨 COMBO / OIL 天氣又濕💦又乾💨,搞到皮膚好唔舒服🤨,而且成日帶住口罩😷,更加劇皮膚敏感😰😰😰😰點算好?   👉18草本舒緩控油液態面膜👈 幫到你❗❗❗❗   產品簡介: 此液態精華面膜中的活性分子能持續地把保濕因子及養分滲透至肌膚內,為底層肌膚補水。特別調配的草本成分,能控制皮脂分泌,回復平衡,令肌膚重拾健康狀態。加入精選植物精華,針對色素沉澱和色印,並有助預防暗瘡和抗菌。   產品特性: - 有助淡斑色印,均勻膚色,促進肌膚更生 - 淨化肌膚,補濕同時控油 - 成分天然及安全,不含傷害肌膚的酒精、強力酸性成分等 - 可混合不同Skin Need原液使用,加強功效   主要成分: 有機錦葵精華、薄荷葉精華、黃花九輪草精華、羽衣草精華、婆婆納精華、香峰花葉精華、洋蓍草精華、雪絨花精華、甘草精華、檸檬皮精華、牛蒡根精華、鼠尾草精華、檸檬精油、透明質酸鈉   使用指引: 在有需要時或按專業人員指導使用。把面膜均勻塗抹在面上及頸部,待15至20分鐘,用蒸餾水濕潤棉花,抹走餘下的面膜,然後塗上Skin Need護膚產品,達致最理想的肌膚呵護。   注意: 懷孕期間不建議使用。 Description: An Aqua Infusion Mask that allows humectants and nutrients to gradually permeate the skin to provide below-the-surface hydration through an active nutrient diffusing perforated system. Gently, gradually, but effectively delivers active ingredients to the skin, the Aqua Infusion Mask is a powerful blend of a wealth of herbs to modulate sebum production for balanced, controlled, clearer, and healthier skin. Enhanced with botanical extracts that also target post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, the formula has anti-blemish, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal effects. Features: -helps breakdown excess pigment, balances skin tone, and promote skin renewal -clarifies skin and controls sebum production -a natural and safe alternative to skin damaging ingredients such as alcohol, strong acids, and damaging substances -can be blended with various Skin Need serums to boost effects Active Ingredients: Organic Mallow Extract, Peppermint Leaf Extract, Primula Veris Extract, Alchemilla Vulgaris Extract, Veronica Officinalis Extract, Melissa Officinalis Leaf Extract, Achillea Millefolium Extract, Edelweiss Extract, Licorice Extract, Lemon Peel Extract, Burdock Root Extract, Sage Extract, Lemon Essential Oil, Sodium Hyaluronate Other Ingredients: Xanthan Gum, Aloe Vera Gel, Methylethylcellulose, Ethylhexylglycerin, Distilled Water. Directions: Scan the QR code for video directions: Use as needed or as directed by a professional. Apply generously over face and neck and leave on for 15-20 minutes. Remove excess mask using cotton dampened with distilled water and follow with your normal skin care routine.



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