Skin need Rich Placenta Cream




**確認訂單後約14天發貨,因船期延誤,確實時間待代理商通知為準。 奢華保濕霜 50毫升 描述: 柔滑,奢華和全面的預防衰老–煥發活力的豐富乳霜,其中包含來自沙漠植物的高濃度純淨,珍貴和生物活性複合物,可對抗皮膚衰老,自由基損傷,彈性喪失,恢復年輕的光彩,質地,和緊緻皮膚。包含天然來源的白藜蘆醇,白藜蘆醇是自然界中最有效的抗氧化物質之一,可保護皮膚免受外在衰老因素的影響。 特徵: 配方針對暗沉,壓力,乾燥和成熟的皮膚 -包含一種從墨西哥野生山藥中分離出來的稱為Discorea的生物複合物,可引起提拉和緊緻。 -摩洛哥Kukui堅果油的絕佳抗氧化和皮膚營養因子來源 -混合稀有和珍貴的精油,可在生理上強化皮膚,並在心理上提升感官 主要成分: 白藜蘆醇,墨西哥山藥提取物,五肽,Kukui堅果油,積雪草提取物,柑桔類水果提取物,維多利亞相思類水果提取物 其他成份: 甜菜糖蜜提取物,植物來源的角鯊烷,稻胚芽提取物,小麥蛋白,蘆薈葉汁,海藻提取物,法國薰衣草精油,Myrhh精油,天竺葵精油。 用法: 每天使用2次或根據需要使用。卸下頂蓋並向下按壓混合板以進行分配。按照專業人士的指示,與Skin Need精華液混合可帶來更多好處。向上打圈,將自定義混合物均勻地按摩到皮膚上。 Luxuriously Rich Moisturizer 50mle Description: Smooth, luxurious, and all-round age prevention – a revitalizing rich cream that contains high concentration of pure, precious, and bioactive complexes derived from desert plants to combat skin senescence, free radical damage, loss of elasticity, restoring youthful radiance, texture, and firmness to the skin. Contains naturally-derived Resveratrol, one of nature’s most potent anti-oxidizing substance, to guard the skin against extrinsic aging factors Features: -formulated to target dull, stressed, dry, and mature skins -contains a bio-complex known as Discorea isolated from Mexican Wild Yam to induce lifting and firmness -excellent source of anti-oxidizing and skin nourishing factors from Moroccan Kukui Nut Oil -with a blend of rare and precious essential oils to fortify the skin physiologically, and to elevate the senses psychologically Main Ingredients: Resveratrol, Mexican Wild Yam Extract, Pentapeptides, Kukui Nut Oil, Santalum Acuminatum Fruit Extract, Citrus Glauca Fruit Extract, Acacia Victoriae Fruit Extract Other Ingredients: Sugar Beet Molasses Extract, Plant-derived Squalane, Rice Germ Extract, Wheat Proteins, Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, Seaweed Extract, French Lavender Essential Oil, Myrhh Essential Oil, Geranium Essential Oil. Directions: Use 2 times a day or as needed. Remove overcap and dispense by pressing down on mixing plate. Blend with Skin Need serum for added benefits as directed by a professional. Massage your custom mixture evenly onto skin in an upward circular motion. 🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍 💡溫馨提示💡 ▪所有免費試用裝如有缺貨,可以同品牌或同類型SAMPLE 代替,而不會另行通知,敬請見諒! ▪如想單獨領取🆓️免費試用裝,需自付運費。每個購物單號可🆓️免費領取最多5款免費試用裝。(🛍如有購物者不在此限) ▪免費試用裝🎁因數量有限,每款限領一個🎁,多拍只發一個。 如拍下數量太多而未能提供,本店會隨機送出,不便之處,敬請原諒!🙏🙏 🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍
