SKIN NEED透明質酸+B5深層保濕液態面膜 5mlex10




**確認訂單後約14天發貨 SKIN NEED 透明質酸 + B5深層保濕液態面膜 5mlex10 Hyaluronic Acid + B5 Aqua Infusion Mask 產品簡介: 本液態精華面膜中的活性分子能持續地把保濕因子及養分滲透至肌膚內,為底層肌膚補水。蘊含維他命B、豐富海藻精華及薰衣草精油,能溫和、持續及強效保濕及舒緩肌膚,令肌膚不再乾燥、怠倦及過敏。   產品特性: - 適合所有肌膚,深層滋潤,舒緩敏感肌 - 不堵塞毛孔,質地輕盈舒爽 。特別調配植物配方,安撫及修復肌膚 - 可混合Skin Need原液一併使用,提升功效,或作為深層修復肌膚睡眠面膜使用 - 特別適合曾接受微創療程的肌膚,有助回復肌膚健康   主要成分: 有機苦薄荷精華、萬壽菊精華、維他命B3、維他命B5、透明質酸鈉、海藻精華、薰衣草精油   使用指引: 在有需要時或按專業人員指導使用。把面膜均勻塗抹在面上及頸部,待15至20分鐘,用蒸餾水濕潤棉花,抹走餘下的面膜,然後塗上Skin Need護膚產品,達致最理想的肌膚呵護。 B Complex + Caring Herbs 5mle x 10pcs Description: An Aqua Infusion Mask that allows humectants and nutrients to gradually permeate the skin to providebelow-the-surface hydration through an active nutrient diffusing perforated system. Gently, gradually, but effectively delivers active ingredients to the skin, the Aqua Infusion Mask is enhanced with powerful Vitamin B complexes, nutrient-rich oceanic phytoplankton extract, and Lavender Essential oil to hydrate, revive, and tranquilize the skin from dryness, stress, and irritation. Features: -for all skin types to deeply moisturize; calms and cools sensitive and irritated skin -non-comedogenic and delivers a weightless and comfortable sensation -with unique blend of herbs to heal and repair skin -can be blended with various Skin Need serums to boost effects and use as a deeply reviving overnight mask -ideal for use to comfort and restore optimal skin health after invasive treatments Active Ingredients: Organic White Horehound Extract, Marigold Extract, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Sodium Hyaluronate, Phytoplankton Extract, Lavender Essential Oil Other Ingredients: Rosehip Oil, Jojoba Oil, Xanthan Gum, Sodium Gluconate, Methylethylcellulose, Ethylhexylglycerin, Distilled Water. Directions: Use as needed or as directed by a professional. Apply generously over face and neck and leave on for 15-20 minutes. Remove excess mask using cotton dampened with distilled water and follow with your normal skin care routine.



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